SuperDave (A.K.A. The original "HelloFucker"

Just a blog. No ads, no agenda, just what I'm feeling.

A change of life post — September 27, 2022

A change of life post

I rarely use this blog, but today was a day.
I was given 10 gift card for Wendy’s. Brought home four Frosties for my wife and three of my daughters.
How lucky am I to have all this love waiting for me after work?
I am feeling shit I haven’t felt in a long time.
Goes to show you that something (perhaps) insignificant to one person, can mean the world to a different someone with a slightly perspective

Been awhile — August 6, 2022

Been awhile

I haven’t put an entry into this blog in awhile. I’m gonna drop this because it’s how I’m feeling today.
I have lost faith in my country. My flag. My country has quite literally put skin color, sexuality, and gender above truth. I have sworn three solemn oaths in my life that I have held true. Thinking that I’m going to drop that number to two. Have I been manipulated by media? Has the enemy succeeded? After all, a mind can be manipulated, I used to be quite adept at “turning” an enemy, an acquaintance, even a friend. How does one “un-swear” an oath? I guess I can’t. Time to fight is here. Sorry, I’ve only got a few more trips around the sun left. SuperDave is going to make a difference that will be remembered.

Why — July 29, 2022


People sometimes ask me, “How do you know that shit?”. Sometimes they ask with varying levels of social grace and sometimes they ask with absolute contempt.
The answer, TBH, is that I have untreated mental illnesses, an internet connection, really good analytical skills, exceptional research abilities, and zero self regulatory mechanisms between by brain & my mouth.
I’m the smartest dumbass you’ll meet.

Life rant. — May 7, 2021

Life rant.

Everything that has happened in my life has brought me to where I am today.

You could ask, “Aren’t you sorry about…”Nope.
You could say, “You’ve got to regret that time when….”Nope.
You could argue, “Don’t you wish you didn’t…”Nope.
You could throw up in my face those times that I…Nope, no regrets.

What could be defined as the worst mistakes in my life have all brought me to where I am today, and I choose to believe that I had to endure them to get to “here”. I carry with me the memories of those experiences, and I will go to my grave believing that it is better to regret doing something, than to regret not doing something.

What’s next Karma? Can we just stop with the lessons and let a man just rest?

Hourglass — March 27, 2021


I’ve always had a fascination with hourglasses, and I’ve got a nice collection.
In the waiting room of my surgeon’s office, is an hourglass. It’s not an ordinary hourglass. It’s full of ferrous powder, and the bases are magnetic. It makes some pretty cool patterns for sure, but I see something deeper. The “sands” of the hourglass will inevitably fall, but MY doctor held enough grains in the top side of that hourglass to make me truly realize that once the sands fall, they’re already in the bottom glass, and there’s a magnet on the other base that will pull them in once they’ve fallen.
My top magnet is love, it holds on to the few grains of sand I have left.

It hurts a lot right now. — December 6, 2020

It hurts a lot right now.

Years in pain. Hiding everything from everyone else, convincing everyone I’m doing better than I am, and then one day it no longer works, the reality inside my body overtakes my act; the role I play is on queue to be cancelled. No matter how strong I am (or want to be.)
Then the moment comes when they tell you what you have. You have mixed feelings, you finally know what you have, but how do you deal with it? How do you move forward when you know that the only path leads downward.

“Not all heroes wear capes” — September 10, 2020

“Not all heroes wear capes”

“Not all heroes wear capes”, is a quote you’ve heard before.
Know what? Some heroes are just too old and tired to be brave enough to jeopardize what they have earned to stand against obvious media bias and what I personally define as “brown party” opposition manipulation of said media.

Despite the best efforts of those who choose to hold American values tightly, THEY control the screens, we control the ground. The money will always lead the leaders, and the money has been in the screens since the “leaders” (business and political) realized it back in the 30’s. They control the screens, we will only continue to control the ground if we can sustain ourselves when their (and our) screens go dark.

Putting oneself to sleep — August 28, 2020

Putting oneself to sleep

From a blog entry 7 years ago: “I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.” I don’t even remember what inspired this concept. The thought path it took me down though literally changed my life. All MY little monsters know that it’s time to STFU and leave me alone. They climb into the steamer trunk on command, and close the lid until I re-open it.
You can change anything you need to if you want it more than what’s standing in your way.

2020 Republican convention — August 27, 2020

2020 Republican convention

I watched both sides. I was sickened at points by both, but I was sickened far deeper by the identity politics expressed by the mission of the 2020 democrat party. All men are created equal is what it says.
America is tired of the special privilege you demand because your skin is brown. Look at yourselves brown people. Look at your communities. We didn’t do that to you, your party did.

You gon vote an shit fo the homies that made dat sheet you step in erry day?

With a couple exceptions, the speakers at the DNC were certainly more emotionally expressive. The speakers on “my side” are clearly reading from a teleprompter. Is it because Democrats are more open and honest about how they feel, or is it that they’re just better actors/actresses?
If you spend a lifetime reading the words of those who control you, I guess you get good at it after awhile.

Taking care of your own property. — August 26, 2020

Taking care of your own property.

You’ve got a backyard. You like to be barefoot in your own damn yard.
You notice that MOST of the three leaf plants that are popping up prove to be highly likely to inflict a persistent, itchy rash on either you or your family who wants to be able to walk barefoot in our own damn yard.

You can:
a: Just not go barefoot in your own yard
b: Rip out all the three leafed plants in your yard to be safe
c: Focus some resources on every single three leafed plant in your yard to make sure it’s not one of the itchy ones, because some of them keep the mosquitoes away.

Me? Fuck those three leafed plants, we’ve got chemicals for the bugs.